Thursday, March 5, 2020

Tutorfairs Co-Founder Mark Maclaine discusses the benefits of tutoring on BBC Radio 4

Tutorfair's Co-Founder Mark Maclaine discusses the benefits of tutoring on BBC Radio 4 Tutorfair Co-founder and Director of Learning, Mark Maclaine, appeared on BBC Radio 4 last week to talk about the benefits of one-to-one tutoring for students and the rise of the private tuition industry in the UK. This wide-ranging radio segment about tutoring featured a variety of speakers, including private tutors ranging from professionals like Mark to university students who are just starting out, parents, and industry experts such as Dr Lee Elliot Major from education charity the Sutton Trust. One thing they all agree on is that tutoring is here to stay, with the industry worth an estimated two billion pounds. Mark argues that tutoring doesn’t have to be expensive - although at times an experienced tutor can really pay off - and discusses Tutorfair’s mission to make tutoring fair with fees from every lesson including a donation for the Tutorfair Foundation, which provides free tuition for students who would not otherwise be able to afford it. The experts, tutors and parents also all agree that private tutoring can be very effective if you have a good tutor. Mark speaks specifically about his experience as a “supertutor” and the wide range of students he has taught over the past two decades. If you have a spare half hour, give the whole show a listen here at BBC iPlayer - an interesting discussion about a growing industry that is not to be missed! For previous Tutorfair press appearances, take a look here on our press page.

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